
tag alltid tulo


  1. hello.... wheRe is this pic taKen??? did u know...in the Philippines the word "tulo" means DRIP...as in drip of water.,... it has negatiVe connotations too, as it's also the term f0r a venereal disease or STD that resembles the man's sex organs having a driP...

    anyway as i was scroLLin down your blog's page real fast I noticed that the pellets/little tablets on the building walls eally look like theY're faLLiNg down...as in dripping...*^__^*

  2. Haha! Naw, it's a Swedish (or Finnish, because I don't know the meaning of Tulo) classic breath mint pastille dripping down the fasade of a building in Stockholm, Sweden. A classic neon sign. But a "nice" co-incident though :)

  3. yes inDeed,,,, thanks for satisyiNg my curi0siTy...^^


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